Skin defense at molecular level. ALKA12™ COMES TO THE RESCUE.


Pollution, poor air quality - in some parts of the world, factories run 24 hours polluting the sky. New man-made chemicals and high stress, are all included in the name of enjoying the 'comforts' of modern living.

Our fast paced modern life is aging us quicker and the proof of that is written all over our face. Premature aging is showing up as wrinkles earlier making people as early as in their 20s line up for Botox. Skin issues and imbalances making our skin extra dry, or extra oily, having to slather on highlighter to mimic the natural glow we should have. Not to mention the internal influences that can wrack havoc on skin such as nutrient deficient diet, overloaded adrenaline system due to stress, and environmental changes making our sun stronger and more dangerous. We can try to eat organic, work out, consciously relieve our stress levels but unfortunately when it comes to our skin, we remain exposed. 

So what can we do to save our skin in this polluted world?

The answer lies in targeting this problem with a new arsenal of skin treatments that work where the actual damage is happening. The deep seated heavy metal particles from pollution accumulate deep in the skin holding cells captive and preventing them from functioning normally. It means that cells can't detox correctly nor can they accept and benefit from the nutrients we are so carefully ingesting or applying in the form of expensive serums.


Skin defense at molecular level with magnesium

Magnesium is a life essential mineral that is needed for over 600 enzymatic reactions in our body. In essence it gives cells the energy to perform functions such as letting nutrients in, and detoxing waste. The cell is in a perpetual flux and needs magnesium to perform its functions.

Here are a few main benefits of magnesium for the skin:

  1. Detoxes the skin - topical pure concentrated magnesium when applied to the skin will penetrate deep into the dermis and due to it's molecular structure will actually take place of the heavy metal particles while pushing them out of the cell. 

  2. Calms the skin - re-mineralization helps to lower cortisol and inflammation and thus minimize redness, acne and other skin issues. 

  3. Balances the skin - keeping production of oils under control and the right amounts of fatty acids on the skin helping to improve elasticity, moisture levels to result in even skin tone. 

  4. Softens and moisturizes the skin - with magnesium skin is made more elastic and resilient with boosted moisture levels resulting in softer skin. 

  5. Rejuvenates the skin - DHEA is a term that has been getting tossed around in the beauty world with new treatments popping up such as "vampire facials", stem-cell facials. The idea is of using your own blood plasma to influence the skin to renew and to protect itself from aging pre-maturely. Actually, magnesium is the mineral that does exactly that, without resorting to complicated procedures. 

After some time, the cells will die and appear as discoloration, fine lines and possibly turn into skin disorders. These deep seated particles can't be purged by using our trusted go to cleansing and exfoliating routines, what is needed is something that can go into the dermis layer to target the damaging intruders and remove them on molecular level. 

And so there it is ALKA12™ to the rescue with the purest and most natural topical magnesium on earth.