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we help you to reach your goals, stay in the game, finish your race.

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Train | Recharge | Repeat | Win

ALKA12™ magnesium products work at a cellular levels and helps to maintain a proper muscle tissue oxygenation, feeding muscles with energy, eases pain, reduces cramps and joint inflammation. This in turn improves sleep and promotes proper hydration, both fundamental for an adequate recovery process.

Endurance Fuel

Whether you swim, bike, run, work, travel, climb, train, race, recover, or focus on wellness, ALKA12™ supports your goals and challenges by keeping you ahead and alert, both physically and mentally. It's a healthy way to stay energetic, ready for any game, and recover faster from any competition. Even on days when fatigue catches up with you at work and you need an extra boost, ALKA12™ keeps you fully energized, powered, and pain-free. Live your sport and passion to the fullest.


Optimize your pre-workout training and post-workout recovery with ALKA12™ to prevent early symptoms of fatigue or injury during athletic activities. ALKA12™ boosts your energy and strength, helping your muscles recover faster naturally, reducing soreness, aches, and stiffness. This allows you to push harder, train more often, and perform better while minimizing the risk of injuries. Set your goals, optimize your training, push your limits, recover, repeat, and win your race.

Wellness Builder

The pressure to perform, modern living, and the pandemic have heightened our stress and anxiety, increased our exposure to electromagnetism and pollution, and led to high consumption of alcohol and processed food. These factors deplete our magnesium reserves faster than ever, leaving us chronically fatigued, stressed, depressed, and insomniac. With 80% of the population deficient in magnesium, supporting our immune system has become a top priority. ALKA12™ helps to revitalize your body and restore balance.

Best partner in sports clinics and osteopathy

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Refuel | Repair | Restore | Recover | In Record Time

Injury is an almost inevitable part of an athlete’s life, whether it’s an acute ligament tear or mild post-exercise muscle soreness. However, the majority of sports-related injuries can be prevented or alleviated. Backed by science and approved for medical applications, ALKA12™ formulas offer unique purity and the highest concentration of magnesium, helping many athletes prevent and recover from severe injuries in record time.

NETHERLANDS, Dr. Richard Danel, President of The Magnesium Health Institute

As the President of The MHI, I gives lectures and workshops around the world to share my knowledge about magnesium : Magnesium is one of the most important mineral in sports nutrition and wellness. Active people and athletes, deplete their magnesium reserve at speed, and supplementation is inevitable because this mineral has become a hard-to-find in our diet. According to scientific research, magnesium chloride is best absorbed by your skin and which is one of the main ingredient at ALKA12™ Topical magnesium. This method is the optimum way to replenish cellular levels into our bodies. Many athletes use topical magnesium for their muscles and to speed up recovery. For massages, it is best to work with the magnesium gel: "You will have double the effect as the mineral is applied directly to where it is needed.

FRANCE, Dr. Damien Mouellic , Sports Clinic and Oestophaty

I have been prescribing magnesium in different forms to my patients and for over the last 20 years. Magnesium is excellent to reduce muscular tension as well as psychological stress. It helps reduce striated muscle tension and contractions as well as smooth muscle contraction. The intima layer of the artery is a smooth muscle that is subject to contraction under psychological stress (chronic or acute) the same way your musculoskeletal system is. It is excellent to restore contractibility and elasticity of a muscle post injury or after a sustained effort. A relaxed muscle will aslo allow for more effective drainage of lactic acid which is responsible for cramps and is toxic for the myocytes (muscle cells) when not drained adequately. Another excellent use for magnesium is constipation. Magnesium citrate relaxes the bowel and can be used to increase peristalsis to offset chronic or acute constipation. At our practice, we appreciate the use of the ALKA12 Magnesium Gel which is natural and the formula contains a pure and hight concentration base of magnesium chloride. This form of magnesium is totally ionized and therefore best absorbed by the skin, feeding muscles with energy and oxygen. In case of an injury, you can apply it on the problematic area and this really helps athletes to recover much faster. Overall magnesium used orally or topically has numerous health benefits and it should be prescribed on a regular basisaccordingly by all medical practitioners”

UNITED STATES, Dr. Jeff Schutt, Chiropractic

If you are like most athletes, you want to recover and heal naturally from your injuries and do so in record time without having to resort to drugs or surgery. There is no greater way to accomplish this with Topical Magnesium. A shortened hamstring is a result of lack of available magnesium,” he says. Topical Magnesium can be simply applied and rubbed into a sore Achilles tendon to decrease swelling. Magnesium Gel and oils can be applied directly to inflamed areas and absorbed directly onto the skin which would have an immediate effect on pain. Topical Magnesium Therapy is ideal for pain management, sports injury treatment, diabetic neuropathy and inflammation.

CANADA, Dr. Linda Rapson, Pain Clinic

Specializes in treating chronic pain, Dr Rapson believes that about 70% of her patients who complain of muscle pain, cramps and fatigue are showing signs of magnesium deficiency. Oral magnesium is not easily absorbed and at high doses creates diarrhea.  Thus oral magnesium offers little to athletes but transdermal application opens up an entirely new universe.

UNITED STATES, Dr Carolyn Dean

Dr Dean is the Medical Advisory Board member of the Nutritional Magnesium Association, a qualified naturopath, nutritionist, acupuncturist and a leading expert in magnesium deficiency. “ Magnesium is intimately involved in efficient muscle function. The mechanisms include oxygen uptake, electrolyte balance and energy production. Dean explains that magnesium relaxes muscles and balances calcium, which contracts muscles, working together to make muscles work properly. “ATP, the main source of energy in cells, must be bound to a magnesium ion in order to be biologically active. ”Athletes take note: Magnesium is lost in sweat but not replenished by the normal electrolyte replacement drinks. Ensuring your magnesium levels stay sufficient will ultimately help eliminate muscle cramps, lactic-acid buildup, and aches and pains. Topical Magnesium can be sprayed or rubbed on the body and is easily absorbed through the skin. It helps to greatly to increase the amount of magnesium in body tissues and overcomes the problems that some people have with loose stools when they try to take enough magnesium to meet their needs. This can be especially important in cases of severe magnesium deficiency that were treatable only with IV magnesium before topical magnesium came along.”

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