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Be Inspired and Join The Movement

Trusted and appreciated by coaches, athletes and busy professionals, they are driven by passion and always on-the-go to break their own records. They have a huge appetite for adventure and new challenges. They trust us to support them, to fuel their goals and dreams, and to experience the joy of crossing the finish line in one piece.


Daniel Reintjes, USA

Elite Triathlete certified as a Vegan Lifestyle Coach, fully powered with Plant Based Nutrition and ALKA12™. Ironman Certified Coach @ VPA

After using ALKA12™ for several months I can feel confident saying this gel should be apart of every athlete’s recovery routine! I use it twice a day, morning and night and have noticed my physical and mental recovery speed up as well as the soreness and muscle fatigue from workouts almost eliminated overnight! I have found I have more energy throughout the day and during my workouts which has allowed me to push even further than I could before. I think this is because the magnesium has boosted my sleep quality as well.

I notice a significant difference in my mood and energy on days I forget to put on before bed. Since using ALKA12™ I’ve been able to PR every race this year and even qualify for my first World Championship! I am swimming, biking and running faster than ever before and I do highly recommend ALKA12™ to everyone.


Samantha Chan, Hong Kong

Elite Athlete, Samantha is known as one of the fastest runner in Hong Kong. She dominates 100km races in China , ran the 400km race in the Gobi desert and even placed 13th at the UTMB - 172km race around the Mont-Blanc.

I do really like ALKA12™ Magnesium gel because it helped me to recover faster and its fast-acting. Following a knee injury, my quads were still sore after a long run and I was recommended to try out the magnesium gel. After a week of application, my quads were energized, stronger and it support my muscles to relax after a long training session. My recovery was way faster than ever before. ALKA12™ is more effective on fatigue muscles or in the edge of injury. Probably the best for injury prevention. This is a great tool for ultra runners like me. Also, I was also very surprised about its beauty booster function as my whole body’ skin became smoother and tonic. I am so happy to found this product that helps me to recover faster while enhancing my beauty and wellness.


Vlad Ixel, Australia

Elite ultramarathon runner powered entirely by a plant-based diet and ALKA12™, Vlad became one of the leading athletes on the trails, running over 30 ultramarathons a year , setting course records and ranked 1st place Ironman world champion. (

Magnesium has been part of my daily recovery process for years - it's been my go-to supplement and running 20KM every single day of the year. As an athlete, I need to consume a lot of magnesium and glad I discovered ALKA12™ . I was very curious about this new form of sports nutrition, and I just love it because it gets absorbed by the skin and the result is instant. ALKA12™ really helps me to regain my energy and, most importantly, I recover easier and much faster, so I can push on with my training and racing with no pain. Thanks to it, I reached an amazing athletic performance and breaking more records. I use it everyday after each workout, hard training session, and race to aid with a great recovery and energy.


Tyler Andrews, USA

Tyler has established himself as a world-class endurance runner, making three US National Teams for the 50km World Championships and winning his first National over 50 Miles in 2019. Entering the Trail world, he has also set speed records on the Inca Trail (‘19) and Everest Base Camp Trail (‘20).

I have been using ALKA12™ for the preparation of the 100 Leadville Race and I the best experience ever. I woke up every morning refresh and ready to push harder on my training. It has proven to be a great support for energy, speed recovery and I reached another level of peak performance. Thansk to it, I ran the 100 miles race in 18:40min and I gain 3hours compare to last year. Jumping from 16 to 4th position! that’s unbelievable. As the CEO at Chaski Endurance, our coaching and training is a serious undertaking and from now on our athletes and members can now make training gains faster, improve recovery and maximize their performance. With ALKA12™ I am so confident I could break more records and reach more podiums !


Fabrice Peyrin, France

I am a Pilot for Cathay Pacific and ALKA12™ always helps me to beat fatigue and stay even more alert and focused. Definitely the best remedies to recover faster from any jet lags.  As a professional triathlete, it helps me get more power and energy, and I really enjoyed how it helps my legs recover by reducing soreness and joint inflammation.

It’s obvious that thanks to ALKA12™,  I do not have anymore cramping and it allows me to accumulate big training sessions from 5 hours bike rides to long distance runs.  My legs are definitely stronger and respond better on race day. My best experience with ALKA12™ was during the Ironman race in Malaysia. I applied it everyday starting two weeks prior to the race. I felt invincible, full of confidence, energized, and unstoppable. At last, I do enjoyed the magnesium oil spray as well but the magnesium gel works better for me. ALKA12™ has become my best race partner.


Eric Riddle, USA

I am a Tax Accountant and endurance runner. The benefits of magnesium are no mystery to the modern athlete. The type, method, and proper dosage, however, are highly in question in a market saturated with supplements. This is why I was thrilled to know about ALKA12™’ magnesium gel because the skin would absorb only the magnesium ions needed for the body. Whether it be repair from a hard workout, or relaxation before bed it really works for me. I quickly noticed that post workout, ALKA12™ revived fatigued muscles unlike anything before and leaving me refreshed. But recovery was even further boosted and my smart device would register better quality sleep. In fact I completely stopped taking oral magnesium and the Epsom Salt bath magnesium sulfate. ALKA12™ is pure magnesium chloride, which is proven to be more readily absorbed by the skin. Admittedly, I was a skeptic at first but after three months of application , I am confident this is a powerful tool for the athlete to have in their arsenal. I go for ALKA12™ !


Ross MacLean, Canada

I am a teacher at HKIS, 64 years old and recently have felt the effects of many years of training. I am an avid endurance athlete and take part in trail races and swimming events. I also do a lot of road biking and have completed two IronMan races and numerous half IMs, marathons, and long distance cycle races. I have used various supplements over the years to help me in my well being, training and recovery. 

I learned about ALKA12™, and found this pure magnesium gel to be excellent for both energy and recovery. I also sleep better as I have less tossing and turning in the night from aches and pains. It seems to calm my nerves. It seems to work better to absorb magnesium through the skin rather than ingesting it through the stomach. I highly recommend everyone to try ALKA12™ magnesium gel to see if it works as well for you as it does for me. 

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Pascal De Ronne, France 

I am a pilot instructor, active trail runner and I got into MMA & Boxing about 6 month ago. After few weeks of intensive training, I started to suffer from my wrists due to poor technique and I had to stop boxing for 3 weeks. I visited my Chiropractor who recommended some anti-inflammatory medicine, but nothing really worked out. Then I discovered about ALKA12™ and such has been an amazing experience. After 2 weeks of daily massage with the magnesium gel and a bit of stretching , the pain was gone. My wrist is much stronger and feel even more powerful. I’m now using the gel on a weekly basis before and after each training session. Point of interest: Only a small amount of gel is needed, which make it not very expensive in regards to the very positive result. Much effective and cheaper than my Chiropractor. I highly recommend ALKA12™ to eveyone, especially for those who have the tendency to have muscle, joins, and tendons issues.


Gregoire Simonin, France

My weekly fitness schedule is a mix of Boot Camp, CrossFit, Yoga, and Hikes. I used ALKA12™ magnesium gel for the first time in preparation for the Spartan Race, and I had a fantastic experience.

It has proven to be a great support in muscle recovery and better sleep. But it also helps me to burn fat, build muscles, get a stronger grip to lift my body, and better cardio. I am feeling great, fit, stronger and now maintaining a much higher energy level with shortened recovery periods needed.

Working at the Mandarin Oriental, frequent traveller and always on the go, I realized the importance of focusing on sport and wellness to efficiently manage my workload. I became more aware of the importance of body management, and I highly recommend ALKA12™ for those who are looking for a more natural approach to energy boost and muscle recovery.


Vincent Leroux, France

From Disciples Escoffier, L’envol at St Regis to Eatology, cooking is more than a passion to me, it is my life. Always on- the-go, working 15 hours a day standing in my kitchen, I realized how important it is to maintain a good physical and mental balance to keep going. Therefore, I keep being active after work, working out at the gym and practices muay-thai martial arts on a weekly basis for the past 4 years. To maintain that energy level, I always focus on healthy and organic food and I refuse to take any other supplements and pills which are not always natural and the best for our organism. Feeling exhausted, I was in search of some natural energy boosters and ALKA12™ came to the rescue. I have been using it on daily basis for the past 3 months and I feel so energetic, stronger, pain free and with a stronger stamina. It also helps me to recover, sleep better and I am in such a great mood everyday. I am living a great experience with it is now part of my daily rituals.


Sebastien Manenc, France

I am a business professional , frequent traveler and became a top performer athletes along the years. I learned about ALKA12™ in 2018, and I was very skeptical at first despite numerous great reviews. But, I must admit that I am blown away. First, I don't have any more cramps, but what really amazes me is the recovery. Applying the magnesium gel after every effort, I wake up the following day with no pain. As I write this, I still have a tough time believing it actually. While I used to have the normal 2 to 3 days of pain after a long training run, I now wake up feeling great with fresh legs. It’s the same way after 4 hours of mountain biking. I always keep running and training harder for my next challenges, and thanks to ALKA12™ I have reached my goals, climbing the Aconcagua mountain in Argentina, full energized, powered and pain free.  I strongly recommend you to try it out because it makes such a huge difference. You will keep running miles and miles with no pain and reach your goals, whatever they are.


Pascal Brun, France

Working at H&M, always on-the-go for work and leading a team around the world, over-weight and exhausted, I felt the need to push myself for some sport and to re-boost my energy level. I started to run once a week, then twice and then almost everyday. It became a little addiction and started to get the pain that goes with it on my ankles and knees. I found about ALKA12™ and I was astonished cause I did not believed how powerful is the product. Just only after 10 days of application on a daily basis, I felt stronger and so re-energized. My pains were all gone, I got no more cramps , back pain and knees injuries. I was even going faster. After 4 months of intensive training by using ALKA12™, I decided to do my first trail running race. Then a month later, I ran my first Marathon in New York. I was a finishers and with no pain. Not only it helps me in sport performance but it also keeps me always energized at work, alert and I do recover much faster from any jet lags. 


Esther Holguin, USA

I am a flight attendant for an international airline as well as a Bike fitter and Cyclist specialist for Specialized in New York City. Last fall 2021, I underwent an ACL reconstruction surgery via hamstring allograft. Currently, I am 4 months post operation, working daily and focused on my recovery. Early this year, I learned about ALKA12™ and I coupled the magnesium gel with my physical therapy. It is certain it has propelled my recovery exponentially. ACL reconstruction recovery is approximately 9-12 months. Physically I’m well ahead of my recovery with the help of therapy, cycling and ALKA12™. I apply the magnesium gel before and after my therapy sessions and has reduced the inflammation localized underneath my patella therefore relieving the muscular stiffness in my knee joint. Within a month of application results were phenomenal and I would recommend the ALKA12™ to anyone who wants to accelerate there healing process and get back to road post surgery.


Gülsah Diker, USA

I have been practicing yoga for over 10 years, and I am a full-time teacher at Modo Yoga NYC. I am a very active person and always focus on my wellness and quality of nutrition to optimize my physical and mental activity. Magnesium is an essential mineral to our bodies to maintain a strong immune system and equilibrium. Magnesium is hard to find in our diet, and supplementation is inevitable and I am so glad I discovered ALKA12™ topical Magnesium.

I found its purity to be unique, it is natural and it gets gently absorbed by the skin. After a month of daily application, I felt much more energized, focused, and powered during my practice. But the best is the recovery part. My body and muscles are so relaxed, I feel so calm, lightweight and I sleep better! ALKA12™is the best gift you can give to your body and mind and it is now part of my daily routine.



Elsa Jean De Dieu, France

I am a french artist and running my own business where I have decorated high-profile commercial and residential around the world. I discovered my passion for trail running about 9 years ago. I love challenging myself so I started racing and increasing the number of kilometers. I found about ALKA12™ in 2018 and used it a few weeks before the 9Dragons races, where I ran 50miles on a Friday night and 50km on a Sunday. 

ALKA12™ really helped to keep my legs fresh with less soreness and allowed me to finish with a 1st place ranking. Since then, I have been using this amazing product every week before going to bed, and it helps me to keep running an average of 100km per week. It gives me the power and energy that I need and helps me to recover much faster. I do highly recommend the ALKA12™ magnesium gel, especially for those who are constantly training and with sore legs like me! Thanks. 


Hubert Lam, Hong Kong

I am a Triathlete and "Nothing is impossible!" is my motto as I was born with congenital heart disease. I keep running on a weekly basis and I am a regular on triathlon races. In 2018, I was introduced to ALKA12™ and I was very curious of this form of sport nutrition. So I give it a try for a month and I felt so energized, stronger and powerful. I could tell it works as I reached top peak performance on my last races. It's a great cramp relief and it helped me to recover much faster. But it also promotes clean arteries and healthy functioning cardiovascular system, and which I really need. I felt so good that I shared ALKA12™ with all my running buddies and cycling group. Since then, I have been using it on weekly basis and I do recommend this pure concentrate magnesium gel to everyone. It’s really effective and the best for endurance, athletic recovery and reach top performance.


Katia Kucher, Canada

I am a mother of 3 and I run my own Fitness & Coaching company at D.Befit. ALKA12™ Magnesium Gel is very efficient as it gets absorbed by the skin. I feel the effect right away and it is much quicker than any other pills supplements. By rubbing the magnesium gel on parts of the body where muscles are tighter and more fatigued, you will see a huge improvement in muscle relaxation and flexibility. After months of using it, I feel much stronger and I even reached more podiums this year. Most importantly, after fracturing my 2nd metatarsal in two areas, I started massaging my foot with ALKA12™ twice a day. About 2 ½ weeks later my X-Ray results were surprising - no more fractures. Even my doctor did not believe it. I am amazed by this high-quality magnesium lotion, and I am a real fan. I do highly recommend ALKA12™ to every runner, sport enthusiast and professional athletes. You will see a dramatic difference, it will increase your energy, flexibility, muscle tone, and therefore limit the risk of injury.


Bernard Kibolo, Kenya

I am a road runner and challenged myself in this first 50km Trail Run race. On Pre-race, I met with the ALKA12Team and learned about this new form of sports nutrition. I was very curious, so I applied it all over on my legs 30 min prior the race. I really felt the energy into my body, I got warmer and somehow my legs were so light-weight that I was ready to fly. On race, I kept running and running and felt fully powered. I fell twice but I had no pain and no cramping, so I kept going. I really push myself to my limits in the last 8 km and then I win the 1st place in 4h18min. It was a hard race and was so broken that could not even walk anymore. On post race, I was lucky to have another round of massages and i enjoyed a super fast recovery on my shaking and cramping legs.  I don’t believe how powerful is ALKA12™. I could not stand up for the past 30 min but right after the application, I was back on my foot and could walk again. it’s magic.

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Camille Vidal, France

I am a french music artist and playing bass guitar since the age of 6. At 11, I was diagnosis with scoliosis so I needed to have a surgery and a piece of steal on my spine. In 2018, I did the big move to New York to pursue my career and my passion for music. Since then I have been on a tour playing for several music bands accros America. Traveling, dancing, singing and playing music on a daily basis, I felt exhausted and started to suffer from an heavy back pain. At one point, I could not carry the weight from my bass guitar. Back to New York for a recovery, I have been recommended to try out the ALKA12™ Magnesium Gel. After two weeks of a daily application, I was feeling relieved and more energized. A month later, my back pain was completely gone and I could not believed it. Thanks to ALKA12™, I could jumped on the 2021 Summer Tour and hit the stage everyday fully powered and confident. Since then , ALKA12™ has become a weekly ritual therapy and I always feel like playing all night long.


Benoit Foucher, France

ALKA12™ is part of my daily routine. It helps me to gain energy and recover faster from one day to the next, so I can perform at my best. I've been tracking my recovery with my Heart Rate Variability for more than a year now. And for the same amount of work, each time I apply ALKA12™ magnesium gel before going to bed, the next morning, I recover better and feel so much more energized. I became World-Vice Champion (+35) and a Peak Performance Tennis Coach. These days I'm coaching some of the best tennis players in the world. We are all using ALKA12™ magnesium gel, and it is such a success when it comes to performance. So, for now on, ALKA12™ is one of my best sports nutrition and recovery strategies so I can feel better and perform better, day after day.


Christian Viviloco Secci , Italy

An incredible message that we received “LIVE” from Christian who ‘ s racing in Kathmandu, Nepal with Action Asia.

“I am here in Nepal! I just ran 100km with no cramps and no pain!!! Thank you Antoine!!! The magnesium gel works perfectly. I don’t believe it! “.

Thanks to ALKA12™, I was able to finish 3rd overall and 1st in my age category 😉.

Forza Italia

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