Good for Hair, Good for Health

Magnesium really is one of the most important nutrients for healthy hair growth. Without it, your hair follicles may not grow to their full potential because of calcification and poor protein synthesis. Even though magnesium is found in many of the foods we eat everyday, magnesium gel applied to your scalp has been shown to be more efficient than magnesium taken orally. Of all the vitamins and nutrients that we focus on in our hair care routine, we don’t talk much about magnesium for hair growth.

Truthfully, it’s no wonder that magnesium is so great for hair. It’s responsible for over 600 metabolic functions in our body, and many of these can affect your hair growth cycle,  and how well your follicles are producing growing hair. Magnesium and hair have a very interesting relationship. Let’s take a look at how the two work together, and what you can do to improve your hair growth results.

Use the ALKA12™ Magnesium Gel or Oil for Hair Loss:

Magnesium has a few key roles and 2 main functions when it comes to healthy hair growth.

Preventing Calcium Buildup

First, magnesium helps prevent calcium buildup on your scalp. When calcium clogs hair follicles, your scalp will be dry, flaky, and you could even see some hair loss. These calcium deposits on and around the hair follicles can increase over time due to scalp inflammation.

Magnesium counteracts with calcium, improving circulation and making sure calcium gets to your bones where it’s needed, rather than clogging up on the surface of your scalp. Better circulation also means that other nutrients from your diet are getting to your follicles.

Protein Synthesis

Second, magnesium helps with protein synthesis. Since hair follicles are made almost entirely of protein, this is key. Better protein synthesis means healthier hair and a predictable hair cycle with normal growing and resting stages. Protein synthesis also helps create melanin, which helps prevent your hair from going gray.

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Magnesium Deficiency and Hair Loss

It’s clear how magnesium helps promote hair growth. But what happens when we’re not getting enough magnesium?

According to medical research, we should be consuming about 500 mg. of magnesium per day. So how is the average American doing on their magnesium intake? In a word, not great. It’s estimated that well over 80% of adults do not get even the minimum amount of magnesium that they need. And almost none of them know they are magnesium-deficient because magnesium deficiency is impossible to detect in our blood.

Can a magnesium deficiency cause hair loss? Absolutely.

A magnesium deficiency gives calcium the freedom to run wild. In other words, those small calcium deposits in and around the hair follicles can cause hair loss. Premature graying is also a side effect when protein synthesis isn’t functioning properly and creating enough melanin. The real problem is magnesium deficiency, and most people are completely unaware if they’re deficient. But there are ways to fix a deficiency. Check our article on magnesium deficiency

ALKA12™ Magnesium gel for Hair Loss & Optimum Care

So what’s the best way to increase your magnesium levels? The ALKA12™ Magnesium Gel.

Magnesium can be as easily absorbed through the skin as it can be internally i.e. when eaten in food. That’s why magnesium gel applied to the scalp is such an effective and popular way to increase your magnesium levels. Not only does magnesium more easily absorb through skin, but it helps you avoid any reactions that you could have from magnesium taken orally. Some reports suggest that people can have diarrhea or other digestive issues if they have an intolerance for ingested magnesium.

In addition to preventing calcification and helping with protein synthesis, magnesium oil applied to your scalp has the added benefit of fighting off skin irritations and conditions caused by sweat, product build-up and excess sebum. And when you massage the magnesium gel into your scalp, you’ll feel it working. You’ll feel a warm tingling sensation that lets you know that the gel is being absorbed through your skin and into your bloodstream. It works especially well on the scalp because that area of skin is so thin that it gets straight to your hair follicles and immediately invigorates your scalp circulation.

With daily use, after a week or two you’ll find that your scalp has less dandruff, build-up or itchiness. Over time, your hair will get stronger and thicker, and will develop a healthy shine. Although magnesium gel is safe, make sure not to leave it on your scalp for more than 30 minutes. The salts in magnesium gel can have a dehydrating effect for your scalp if left on for too long.

Directions: Apply the magnesium gel on your hair and mass your scalp for 2-3 min. leave on for 30mn, then wash your hair.

How often can you use it: Once a week is preferred use, but twice a week may also be recommended to maintain healthy hair and scalp.

Works well with: Mixing it with soothing ingredients, like tea tree oil, for the hair and scalp would be beneficial.

Don’t use with: If you have a sensitive scalp, abrasions, or any other scalp conditions.


MISTERS : Incredible Magnesium Chloride for Hair loss ( Magnesium Chloride is the main ALKA12 ingredient)

BYRDIE: Magnesium oil for Hair - Everything you need to know

