
Magnesium Needs To Be Part of Your Daily Defense Arsenal -

Not Just During Crisis.

In the last few weeks supplements saw a 8% sales jump in Europe and the US according to Nielsen. All of the sudden supporting immune system in all holistic ways has become a priority like never before. The "problem" with this approach is that it still follows the now outdated "problem - prescription" model. That is a model geared to prescription drugs, with holistic approaches daily maintenance is the key.

Magnesium is at the core of 600 enzymatic reactions in the body, making it necessary for proper functioning of just about any process in the body, from digestion, to nervous system. And balanced magnesium levels are needed not only during "crisis" but every day. Magnesium must be a daily wellness rituals especially for active lifestyles.

For those of us trying to "catch-up" dusting off those forgotten supplement bottles, or buying up a whole new arsenal, let's keep in mind why magnesium must be part of the line-up if we want to get the most benefit out of our immunity boosting efforts.

Magnesium for Vitamin D activation and function

We are told to load up on vitamin D to help support us during a time of viruses. However, without a good magnesium balance it is difficult for the body to take in full benefit of vitamin D. Similarly, magnesium is needed for optimum assimilation of other vitamins. Zinc is also a known immune booster that has been a hot topic recently, however, taking elevated doses of this can lead to a quicker depletion of magnesium. 

The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association,  

Role of Magnesium in Vitamin D Activation and Function 


Magnesium for controlling Stress

Stress causes us to deplete our magnesium like wildfire. If our magnesium levels are already low, this can be very dangerous. Magnesium is necessary for in keeping the nervous system functioning correctly. 

Magnesium can suppress the ability of the hippocampus to stimulate the ultimate release of stress hormone, it can reduce the release of ACTH (the hormone that tells your adrenal glands to get in gear and pump out that cortisol and adrenaline), and it can reduce the responsiveness of the adrenal glands to ACTH. In addition, magnesium can act at the blood brain barrier to prevent the entrance of stress hormones into the brain. All these reasons are why I call magnesium "the original chill pill." 

Emily Deans, MD (Psychology Today) : Magnesium and the brain

Magnesium for Sleep

Maintaining healthy magnesium levels plays a role in supporting deep, restorative sleep by maintaining healthy levels of GABA, a neurotransmitter that promotes sleep. It helps our muscles to relax and activate a hormone that helps us fall asleep at the right time. And we know that sleeping well is very important for supporting our immune system. Please check below article: Do you sleep well ?

Harvard Medical School (2008) : why sleep matters

US National Library of Medicine : Human immune system during sleep


Magnesium to breathe better

Meet the mineral that improve your respiratory system and may help calm your asthma. Magnesium is a bronchodilator. It relaxes the bronchial muscles and expands the airways, allowing more air to flow in and out of the lungs. This can relieve symptoms of asthma and shortness of breath.

Your nose actually acts as the first defense barrier for your lungs against airborne pathogens. Well, the cilia in your nose to be exact, this primary defense mechanism is called mucociliary clearance (MCC). It's very important to keep the nose in top share and clean so the cilia can do its job easier as well as support the healthy re-generation of  new mucous cells. We leave you with a practical tip from the Magnesium Health Institute on supporting your nose with magnesium. Have a try !

  1. Take your ALKA12’ pure magnesium gel or pure sea-brine oil

  2. Dilute the magnesium with water in a bowl until it tastes like seawater. 

  3. Lower your nose into your bowl "magnesium solution" and let it get into your nose, one nasal after another and repeat a couple of times. Best is to use those nasal bottles available in Pharmacy.

You will feel some tingling, and will feel the need to blow your nose out a few times after this. It's good, the dead skin sells and other things that don't belong in your nose are coming out.