Cool Tips on how to use topical magnesium


Morning or Evening: Magnesium is a "smart" mineral so if you apply it at night, it will help you to sleep better and relax your muscles. If you apply it in the morning it would give you a great boost of energy.

Train, Recharge, Repeat, Win: You can have a daily dose and there is no side effects like oral supplements. Perfect to reinforce your immune system, maximize you energy level, enjoy a fast recovery so you can train harder and more often.  Drink a lot of water to promote a good detoxification.

Hot Summers cooling effect: Put your ALKA12™ magnesium gel in the fridge or freezer for 30 min . Afrer a long run, apply first on your neck and lowerback / kidneys for an immediate cooling effect. Then apply whole over you body. This is a great boost of freshness ! its like a jump on a pure ocean concentrate in Antartica.

Optimum Wellness & Recovery:  Take a very hot shower, a sauna or hot yoga class - the heat would fully open the pores of your skin. Apply ALKA12™ Magnesium lotion to the whole body. The skin would absorb the magnesium ions at speed and effectively. Refuel, revitalize and relax 20 min. Then take a cold shower.

Optimum Detoxification :  Drink 2 Liters of water with electrolytes. Then 45 minutes later, jump into a sauna and for 30 minutes - dry off your skin smoothly with a towel and then apply the magnesium gel to the whole body. Relax and wait 20 minutes while dinking more water or coconut water. Take a hot shower to remove the gel ressidue left on your skin. Then go back to the sauna for another 15 minutes and jump into a cold shower / bath.

Race Day Winning Recipe: To become fully energized, powered and unbreakable on race day, apply twice a day and 8-10 days prior race day:

> Apply early morning for a great energy booster. Apply on your legs or whole body - wait 20min - cold shower and enjoy your run / training.

> Apply in evening for optimum recovery . Apply where you feel it is needed. If injury apply a good layer on the problematic area. Wait 20min, thalke a hot shower and enjoy a deep sleep, adequate for a full recovery.

Morning Try Out: To boost best results try this. Skip dinner and drink a lot of water. Early morning, apply to the whole body. It would absorb the magnesium ions at speed and very effectively. Get ready to start a great day ! 

Instant Stress & Muscle Tension Release : Apply a good layer on your neck, back shoulder and lower back. Highly recommended in case of injury and apply on the problematic area.

Fast Energy Boost: For those you are tired and lazy, apply on your feet where the skin is highly absorbent. Apply a godo layer and relax for 30 minutes. If you are at home, keep a bucket of water near by so you can rinse off on spot.

Headaches & Migraines: Rub the magnesium lotions on your forehead, temples and back of your head. Feel free to apply all over your head to feed your brain and tonify your scalps, healthy hair…ect

Beauty: Apply a thin layer all over your face by avoiding the eyes. Perfect therapy for calming, destress, detoxification, pollution cleanser, anti-aging. it would re-vitalized and re-mineralized your skin. For a double effect, add a face-mask on top How to use magnesium in facials.

Anti-Cellulite & Weight Lost: Dry brush the areas that needw to be focused on. It would open up the pores and waking up circulation. Apply it and it would help to burn cellulite and dilute water retention.

Teeth, Gums & Tongue: Use the magnesium gel like a thootpaste or mouthwash - It would help to prevent calcification and bleedings. Keeping teeth and gum strong and remove germs on your tongue. When your bottle is almost empty, add some water, mix it and use it as a mouth wash. Don’t swallow.

Healthy Organs : Magnesium is a structural element within your organs and the powerhouse responsible for +300 enzymatic reactions in our body on a daily basis. Apply a good layer on your chests, belly, bottom belly and kidneys.

Deeper Sleep:  Magnesiun is know primarly for speed recovery and enducing deep sleep. Apply on your stomach, feet or tights.

Hair Lost & Optimum Care : Use the magnesium gel for hair lost and care. Apply on your hair and mass your scalp for 2-3 min. leave on for 30mn, then wash. Find more about the benefits on our blog/wellness

No Side Effects: As we learned from science, there is no side effects on topical magnesium application. ALKA12 products are the purest, most natural and effective. Your body will absorb the magnesium ions needed so you’ll not experience over-consumption or side effects unlike other oral magnesium methods. Please keep in mind the magnesium gel has a gelling agent naturally derived starch from corn. So If you are allergic to corn, do not use the gel and instead opt for our Magnesium oil series.