Long ago, we used to live under the stars, hunt for food, and run in the wild. We breathed unpolluted air and drank clean water. Centuries later, our lifestyles have drastically changed. Now we spend our time sitting in offices or at home, running in rush-hour smog, waiting in traffic, and glued to our screens. Modern living and the pandemic has heightened our stress and anxiety, exposure to electromagnetism and pollution, consumption of alcohol and processed food. All of this works to deplete our magnesium reserves faster than ever in human history, leaving us chronically fatigued, stressed, and prone to insomnia.

MAGNESIUM IS a life essential along with water and oxygen and the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body. It is a structural element of our blood, bones, muscles, organs, and the powerhouse over 600 enzymatic reactions in our body. And even more interesting: Seawater contains the same magnesium ion as we do have in our blood. MAGNESIUM IS the key mineral for our body and a building block for health and wellness which is extremely beneficial to humans of all ages.

Magnesium deficiency is often referred as the "invisible deficiency" because it is difficult to detect. Only 1% of magnesium is stored in the blood, and the rest is in the organs and bones where it is used for many biological functions. This means that a blood test is not enough to determine if there is a deficiency. More alarming, It has been found that 75% of the population deficient in magnesium, so supplementing is needed.

Dr. Linda Rapson, who specializes in treating chronic pain, believes that about 70 per cent of her patients who complain of muscle pain, cramps and fatigue are showing signs of magnesium deficiency. “Virtually all of them improve when I put them on magnesium,” says Rapson, who runs a busy Toronto pain clinic. “It may sound too good to be true, but it’s a fact.”

Our body needs at least 500mg of magnesium per day for proper wellness and body functionality. And much more for active lifestyle and athletic people. One hundred years ago, we could easily obtain 500mg of magnesium in our diet, but today we are lucky to get 100mg. We need more magnesium to live and from supplements.

Dr. Jeff Schutt , doctor of chiropractic who specializes in developing performance in sports and fitness, says that hamstring injuries can be avoided through nutritional support because contraction and relaxation is dependent on adequate cellular levels of magnesium. “A shortened hamstring is a result of lack of available magnesium,” he says. Topical Magnesium can be simply applied and rubbed into a sore Achilles tendon to decrease swelling.

ALKA12™ Ultra Pure Topical Magnesium lotions has proven to be five times faster and effective than any oral supplements. This new form of sports nutrition gets delivered directly into the skin tissue. It doesn’t have to go through the digestive system, which dilutes magnesium through stomach acid and digestives enzymes which drastically reduces effectiveness. ALKA12™ has become very popular in sports medicine and among athletes because it does not upset the organs of the body and because it instantly.

Carolyn Dean, M.D., ND, Medical Advisory Board member of the Nutritional Magnesium Association and author of The Magnesium Miracle (Ballantine Books, 2017)

Dangers of Deficiency : Because magnesium catalyzes most of the chemical reactions in the body, Dean says that insufficient levels can cause countless functions to suffer. This, in turn, causes or exacerbates more than two dozen common conditions, including acid reflux, adrenal fatigue, aging, angina, anxiety, atrial fibrillation, brain function, high blood pressure, calcium deposits in our arteries, high cholesterol, constipation, depression, Type 2 diabetes, fibromyalgia, headaches, heart attacks, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammation, insomnia, kidney stones, migraines, muscle spasms, nerve twitches, premenstrual syndrome, seizures and sports injuries. “With insufficient magnesium levels, too much calcium accumulates in the cell and triggers excessive contraction and disrupts cell function,” Dean says. “Too much calcium unregulated due to magnesium deficiency can deposit in soft tissues and may become toxic, causing painful conditions such as some forms of arthritis, kidney stones, osteoporosis and calcification of the arteries leading to heart attack and cardiovascular disease. Thus, magnesium is a natural calcium channel blocker without the harmful side effects of calcium channel-blocking medications.”


Modern living : stress, anxiety, electromagnetic exposure , pollution, process food, smoking, alcohol deplete our magnesium reserve.

Our diet.  Fertilized soils, process food and mass-produced foods are devoid of magnesium because of manufacturing processes. Replace processed foods with a diet rich in natural, organic and whole foods.

Lifestyle : Lost of high level of magnesium by being active on a daily basis and under high exertion during sports.

Stress. We are stressed. The production of stress hormones uses magnesium and the more we are stressed, the more it depletes our magnesium reserves.

Medications : All pills we ingest for pain, to regulate blood pressure and other diseases deplete our magnesium levels.


Severe magnesium deficiency compromises systemic bone mineral density and aggravates inflammatory bone resorption

Skeletal and hormonal effects of magnesium deficiency



The first signs of magnesium deficiency include physical and mental fatigue, muscle weakness, loss of appetite, nausea and headaches. But a long-term magnesium deficiency carries real dangers that may include:

  • Numbness and tingling in the arms and legs.

  • Muscle spasms and cramps.

  • An abnormal heart rhythm.

  • Depression and other personality changes.

  • Migraines.

The number of problems that can arise from insufficient magnesium are exhausting to recite because magnesium is found and used everywhere in your body – bones, muscles, every single organ, hair, nails, and blood. So let’s skip the many ailments caused by low magnesium levels and look at the Killer Diseases Of The World
•    Cancers killed 7.6 million people in 2008 (all types combined)
•    Ischaemic heart disease killed 7 million people in 2011
•    Stroke killed 6.2 million people in 2011
•    Diabetes killed 1.4 million people in 2011

All four of these major non-communicable diseases are tied to low magnesium levels or their risk is significantly reduced by increased magnesium intake. Magnesium is required for your body to function correctly and most of us are too low in it and unaware of it.

COVID-19 X MAGNESIUM : Populations in Low-Magnesium Areas Were Associated with Higher Risk of Infection in COVID-19's Early Transmission: A Nationwide Retrospective Cohort Study in the United States


An American study indicated that those participating in the experiment showed that an increase of an average of 59.9% in their magnesium levels took 12 months following the transdermal magnesium therapy. Achieving the same result using oral solutions would have taken a much longer time of about 20 months. The calcium-magnesium balance of the body improved for each patient of about 25.2% on average. A significant detoxifying effect was also demonstrated in 78% of the participants. The study points out that increasing the magnesium level within the cell is not only possible in every case, but it also makes a beneficial contribution to general health, including the bones and the cardiovascular system. 

Experts estimate that 50% to 80% of Americans are deficient in magnesium – a vital mineral involved in more than 600 enzymatic processes at the Cellular level. And that’s because 68% of American adults consume less magnesium than the recommended daily allowance (RDA). This isn’t just about Americans  – a great number of people from all over the world are magnesium deficient. And it’s killing us.


Our body needs at least 500mg of magnesium per day for proper wellness and body functionality. And much much more if you are super active.

Each bottle of ALKA12™ magnesium product (MgCl2)  contains 31% of pure concentrate magnesium chloride on mass and the elemental magnesium (Mg) content in 1ml is 100mg. 

1ml of Magnesium Gel / Oil = 100mg of elemental magnesium 


Take a daily dose of your ALKA12™ product to remineralize your body. Through using a topical application method, you’ll experience no side effects unlike other magnesium intake methods. Your body will absorb the magnesium ions it needs, so listen to your body.


MAGNESIUM : Are We Consuming Enough?

MAGNESIUM : Prevention and Therapy

MAGNESIUM : The Importance of Magnesium in Clinical Healthcare


MAGNESIUM : Fact sheet for Health Profesional

MAGNESIUM : Fact sheet for consumers

MEDICAL NEWS TODAY : Magnesium deficiency and symptoms