Topical Magnesium Application is the ultimate way to replenish cellular magnesium levels since every cell in the body bathes in it. It passes directly into the tissues via the skin, where it should quickly be transported to cells throughout the body. Yet much more effective than any pill or drinkable powders.

Recent European and American studies have shown that magnesium absorption is more than 5 times more effective by the dermal route than by the oral route. Some tablets and capsules, not in the purest form of magnesium, are not fully and completely assimilated by the body. Finally, many side effects due to the oral absorption of magnesium deter some from supplementing: laxative effect, intestinal and renal symptoms and to name only the most common.


Tablets, Capsules and Powders.

From the giants in pharmaceuticals 

•Delivered in digestive system

•Not always in the purest form

•Not always natural and artificial flavor

•Industrial mass-production

•Some contain lubricant Stearate

•Not fully assimilated by the body

•Does upset organs in the body

•Diluted in stomach acid

•Diluted by digestive enzymes

•+ 30% lost of its effectiveness

•Side effects : Diarrhea, laxative effect,

intestinal and renal symptoms


Muscle cramps, twitches or tremors

Regular or excessive fatigue

Feelings of irritability and/or lethargy

Frequent mood swings, including depression

Pre-menstrual bloating

Restless legs at night


Gel and  Sea Brine Oil x BIO aromatherapy formula 

Pioneering topical delivery method

•Delivered in the skin tissue like our ancestors

•Magnesium chloride from the purest source on earth

•3000 Meters Deep sea natural source and sustainably extracted by solution mining with water pressure.

•Free from man-made pollution and heavy metals

•Natural with highest reached concentration

•(5X) more effective and (5X) faster

•Fully assimilated by the body

•Optimum energy, wellness, fast recovery

• Smart absorption as the skins will absorb the magnesium ions and take in what it needs for the body

•Gentler on the body since it by passes digestive track

•No side effect like orals

•Vegan Athlete’ first choice

•Backed by science / Magnesium Health Institute


The skin absorbed the magnesium ions needed for the body.  Recommending a Daily routine of maximum 2 sessions for Pro-athletes.

The transdermal range of magnesium has been scientifically guaranteed to replace the magnesium lost through sweat and the accelerated metabolism of intense activity faster than any digestive form. Transdermal supplements facilitate the absorption of their active ingredients, while not having to cross the digestive system, because they cross the stomach where they can be diluted in stomach acid, or digestive enzymes can radically reduce their effect . This feature of transdermal supplements has become a very popular form of medicine because they do not upset the stomach or other organs of the body and are directly targeted to problem areas, which results in higher effectiveness. As reference your may evaluate this Pilot study :


A pilot study to determine the impact of transdermal magnesium treatment on serum levels and whole body CaMg ratios. Key finding: Transdermal Magnesium, also called Topical Magnesium, uptake 5 times faster than tablets.

This study was designed to test whether transdermal application of a 31% magnesium chloride from “Zechstein Inside®” Magnesium GEL & Sea-Brine Oil - an ingredient used within ALKA12™ formulas, could alter serum magnesium levels and whole body calcium/magnesium ratios. Patients were screened using a sophisticated hair analysis to determine pre-treatment levels of cellular magnesium and then again following the adopted protocol for product application. After 12 weeks treatment 89% of subjects raised their cellular magnesium levels with an average increase of 59.7% recorded. Equivalent results using oral supplementation have been reported over 9-24 months. Furthermore all patients showed an improvement in the calcium/magnesium balance ratio where the mean improvement seen over the trial period was 25.2%. Further observations indicated that 78% of patients also showed significant evidence of detoxification of heavy metals following treatment with the Magnesium Oil. These results show that non self selected patients who exhibit variable levels of intracellular magnesium can improve this significantly and could therefore impact on many areas of general health and well being, including cardiovascular and skeletal fitness.

The magnesium natural source used within ALKA12 ™ Topical Magnesium products - Gel and Sea-Brine Oil - both contain a saturated solution of 31% magnesium chloride mined from the Zechstein sea in Northern Europe. Magnesium is required as a cofactor for many enzyme systems. It is necessary for protein synthesis and for both anaerobic and aerobic energy generation through glycolysis, either indirectly as a part of magnesium-ATP complex, or directly as an enzyme activator. Magnesium plays a multifunctional role in cell metabolism and has a critical role in cell division. As well as regulating the movement of potassium in myocardial cells it is also known to act as a calcium channel blocker. Magnesium deficiency has been linked to cardiovascular, skeletal and central nervous system disorders and is essential for the normal function of the parathyroid gland and for vitamin D metabolism. Magnesium depletion markedly disturbs calcium homeostasis, and hypocalcaemia is a common manifestation of moderate to severe magnesium deficiency. Now more than ever we need to understand that many of the degenerative diseases plaguing Western society are as a result of the mineral imbalance within our diet1 Animal and human data suggest that magnesium may play an important role in ischaemic heart disease. Few prospective epidemiological studies have related serum magnesium concentrations to mortality from ischaemic heart disease (IHD) or all-causes. However data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Epidemiologic Follow up Study showed that serum magnesium concentrations were inversely associated with mortality from IHD and all-cause mortality. A study, in which, 12,000 people were followed for 19 years, indicated that those with the highest magnesium levels had a 30% lower risk of heart disease2.

Research also shows that between 68% and 75% of individuals in the United States do not consume the daily recommended amount of dietary magnesium, and 19% of Americans do not consume even half of the government’s recommended daily intake of magnesium3. Since 1940 the magnesium content within 72 basic foods has dropped by 21% and this situation is mimicked across several continents. Though worrying in terms of the health status of a population, the reality however is much worse. These statistics are based on a Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) which is believed by many medical professionals to be set too low. Recently, the Independent Vitamin Safety Review Panel, consisting of academics, and researchers, recommended that the RDA for magnesium should be raised because current standards are simply not adequate to prevent illnesses. In 2011 the RDA guideline for magnesium will be raised from 300 to 360mg. Magnesium is needed for more than 325 biochemical reactions in the body. It helps to maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heart rhythm steady, and is important for bone health too. As magnesium is consistently ignored in artificial fertiliser production, it is expected that many decades will pass before the soil reabsorbs this vital mineral even if we start adding it today. Whilst food fortification or oral supplementation is possible the whole process is rather slow and successful remineralisation not guaranteed to succeed 3Oral magnesium presents unique challenges for many individuals to effectively restore intracellular magnesium levels. Usage of poorly ionized forms of magnesium could be one factor to blame. Work has shown that magnesium oxide, an inexpensive magnesium complex included in popular dietary supplements could have fractional absorption in the gut as small as 4 percent. If one was to ingest the commonly recommended (albeit modest) adult dosage of 300-400mg elemental magnesium per day, this would equate to a usable dosage of only 12-16mg. Even magnesium citrate, a relatively well absorbed magnesium compound, will provide a fractional absorption rate of 50% at most. And yet, realistic absorption rates from oral magnesium supplements are rarely taken into account when dosages recommendations are given. Inconsistencies in bioavailability from one form of magnesium to the next remains a concern, but nearly all magnesium supplements share a common tendency to create a laxative effect in the bowels. The effect of different magnesium compounds on bowel motility and stool softness is further amplified with the quantity ingested in a single dose. The higher any single dosage, the greater the potential to cause diarrhea, thereby reducing transit time through the bowels. There is reliable evidence to indicate that absorption relies heavily on magnesium’s staying power in the intestine – at minimum 12 hours. If transit time is reduced to less than 12 hours, the percentage of magnesium absorbed may be drastically impaired.

When these points of consideration are taken in conjunction with the unpredictability of each individual’s ability to absorb magnesium through oral means, the results become unreliable in many cases. In contrast, bypassing the digestive system with topical use of magnesium chloride circumvents the many common drawbacks which would accompany oral supplementation. A sensible alternative therefore is transdermal application of magnesium as the chloride salt, which offers a simple, cost effective and efficient methodology to increase both cellular magnesium levels and to adjust the balance with calcium in a positive manner. Transdermal application is the ultimate way to replenish cellular magnesium levels, other than intravenous, since every cell in the body bathes and feeds in it and even dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) levels may be increased naturally.4

This pilot study represents a major step forward in both our understanding of the superior absorption qualities of the Zechstein magnesium source - used within ALKA12™ formula - but also in provided evidence of the dramatic impact the mineral has on the body. Despite the relatively small sample size the results are significant. Data shows that around 74% of the population in general are likely to have sub optimal levels of magnesium and that this imbalance is unlikely to be improved by Government intervention in Agricultural practices. It is clear that the concentrated chloride form of the Zechstein seabed mineral solution - used within ALKA12™ formula - can significantly improve cellular magnesium in 59.7% of these patients. The therapeutic value of magnesium chloride as a transdermal application reaches well beyond the potential of dietary magnesium as it effectively saturates the tissues, delivering high concentrations magnesium to where it is needed most i.e. at the cellular level, directly into the circulation, entering the tissue cells immediately.

This study confirms that transdermal application of magnesium in the chloride form will raise magnesium levels within the body over a relatively short period of time. Additionally, the relationship between calcium and magnesium is important for many health aspects (for example bonebuilding) and raising magnesium levels has a beneficial effect on the body ratio between calcium and magnesium. Again this study clearly demonstrated a beneficial effect in preventing calcium build up in body tissues meaning that the calcium could be correctly utilised. The results indicate that it is possible to increase cellular magnesium using a simple but effective transdermal compound which offers convenience, efficacy and long term improvement in the critical calcium/ magnesium balance that has become so difficult to achieve in today’s modern environment.

ALKA12™ Ultra Pure Topical Magnesium products - certified Zechstein Inside® provide a fast, effective method of supplementing magnesium levels compared to other methods. Transdermal magnesium (also called topical magnesium) has—through a growing number of trials and studies—proven to be more effective than any oral supplements delivering magnesium to the body.

ALKA12™ Ultra Pure Topical Magnesium product are

  • Fast and effective resulting immediate effect

  • Pioneering topical delivery method

  • Backed by science

  • From Purest source of magnesium salt on earth

  • Free from man-made pollution and heavy metals

  • French made under the Bio System Certification

  • COSMOS NATURAL certified by Bureau Veritas

  • ZECHSTEIN INSIDE certified quality label

    Reference : Watkins K*, Josling PD**

    *Mineral Check, Lenham Heath, United Kingdom, **Herbal Research Centre, Battle, United Kingdom.