Did you know that magnesium can be applied directly to the skin?

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Magnesium is used in the body to regulate ones heart beat, keep muscles and nerves functioning at optimal levels, it also promotes bone health and boosts the immune system.

This method aids in optimal absorption as opposed to relying on an often malfunctioning digestive system to process it when taken orally. Experts estimate that magnesium absorption via the digestive system ranges from 20-55%, depending on the source. This means approximately half or sometimes more of the magnesium leaves the body as waste.

A topical application will allow the body to absorb what is required at a much faster rate, with no additional stress placed on any organs to remove what is not needed. The magnesium moves directly into the bloodstream and tissues, replenishing the body’s needed magnesium stores quickly and efficiently. According to few reseach and pilot study, Topical magnesium is 5 times more effective than any oral supplement method.

Therefore your body is kept in peak shape allowing you to train hard. Magnesium is lost through sweat and research suggests that even small shortfalls in magnesium intake can seriously impair athletic performance. Magnesium will assist athletic performance by reducing accumulation of lactic acid and reducing the perception of fatigue during strenuous exercise.

Getting enough magnesium can accelerate the recovery process and aid in quality sleep necessary for recovery. Magnesium also fights inflammation, raises antioxidant levels, and helps replenish energy stores in the muscle. It also calms the nervous system, lowering the heart rate and enables a restful sleep.

In the last few years, I have mentioned the several benefits of magnesium oil for runners. I am a huge fan of magnesium oil, it has many positive affect on our body, health and even our performance level.

Magnesium is present in every organ of our human body. It is a vital mineral to regulate our health and wellness. Unfortunately, most people don’t get enough magnesium and suffer from magnesium deficiency without knowing. The reason that our body doesn’t get enough of this vital mineral is due to today’s environment, even for runners that are healthy, fit and are following a healthy diet, the low levels of magnesium in foods and water is due to the water filtering and decreased minerals in soil (because of over-farming and overuse of pesticide).

Role of magnesium:

Magnesium is not only found in bones, but is also an important element in enzymes that helps break down the food we eat into energy. It also helps with many body processes. Magnesium is also a great element to help with healing and therapies. Magnesium plays a large role in helping the body absorb nutrients and balance the nutrient reactions. For runners, magnesium deficiency can also affect calcium deficiency and vice versa, which is crucial for injury preventions. Magnesium is responsible for the proper metabolic function of over 350 enzymes in the body; the creation of ATP (energy molecule in the body), action of the heart muscle, proper formation of bones and teeth, relaxation of blood vessels and bowel function.

Benefits of magnesium oil for runners:

Magnesium oil is very efficient as it is absorbed more easily and quicker that supplements. By rubbing magnesium oil on parts of the body where muscles are tighter and more fatigued, you will see a huge improvement in muscle relaxation and flexibility. A great alternative which is very popular amongst athletes is magnesium oil massages. When getting a sports massage or a regular massage have your therapist use magnesium oil instead of regular oil. You will see a dramatic difference. Magnesium oil helps increase flexibility, increase muscle tone, and therefore reduce the risk of injuries. Whenever you have tight calves, quads, hamstrings or Achilles tendons, rub some magnesium oil on the area and you will see a huge improvement.

Train Hard, Eat Right, and Feel Great!

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I am a huge fan of magnesium oil and supplements, as I see a great difference in recovery and muscle and overall health. And the only ONE that really works for me is ALKA12™ ! 100% Ultra pure.