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THE REJUVENATION MINERAL - DR RICHARD DANEL, President of the Magnesium Health Institute

“It is not far of the mark to call magnesium 'the rejuvenation mineral'."

“Just think of two relatively new research areas in the field of DHEA and telomeres. Both DHEA and telomeres play an important role in skin regeneration and require magnesium. First of all, DHEA, it is a mouth full, and it stands for Dehydroepiandrosterone, a steroid hormone that is produced in the skin. There are strong indications that DHEA counteracts aging in general and also in terms of skin. Magnesium appears to be a necessary element in the production of DHEA and magnesium deficiency leads to an early decrease of this hormone. Telomeres are the small 'tails' at the end of chromosomes that unfortunately tend to shorten as chromosomes split. If tissue, for example skin, regenerates, the cells must be able to split with their chromosomes. But when telomeres have shortened to the point of becoming too short to split, that’s when rejuvenation will stop. In the skin we see this as wrinkling.” Explains Dr. Danel. 

“It is not far of the mark to call magnesium 'the rejuvenation mineral'." 

Dr. Richard Danel of Magnesium Health Institute. 

Magnesium: Essential for your heart and skin

How to use topical magnesium in facials

ALKA12™ Magnesium products can be used for a facial massage and we do recommend the ALKA12™ Magnesium Gel which is blended with Aloe Vera.

1) Wash your hands and then wash your face. Washing your face is simple. It just require you to wet your face with warm water, then place a nickel-size amount of soap or cleanser onto your fingertips. Rub your hands together a few times to activate the lather, then work your hands all over your face in circles everywhere above the collarbone for about 30 seconds. After you’re done, splash all over with warm water and grab a towel to pat—not rub!— the skin until it’s just shy of dry.

2) Then apply a thin layer all over your face by avoiding the eyes. Perfect therapy for calming, de-stress, detoxification, pollution cleanser, anti-aging. it would re-vitalized, mositurized and re-mineralized your skin.

3) Relax and leave it on for at least 15 minutes, which is necessary for optimal absorption of the magnesium ions into the skin tissue. Let the product air dry for best results. Then, rinse to remove the salt residue left on your body.

In addition, the magnesium gel is blended with Aloe Vera, a major medicinal plant with healing , antioxidant and antibacterial properties. It will helps to reduce the tingling from the pure concentrate magnesium salt. Makes it smoother and gentle to the skin. and allows to fight very effectively against skin infections. Aloe Vera is extremely generous and protective to the skin. A safe remedy with no side effects.

Magnesium is a "smart" mineral so if you apply it at night, it will help you to sleep better and relax your muscles. If you apply it in the morning it would give you a great boost of energy.

  • Skin re-mineralization - applying a thin layer of magnesium during the steaming stage of the facial will promote absorption as pores are opened with the help of steam and blood circulation is stimulated. 

  • Gentle exfoliation with magnesium - magnesium is a natural exfoliant without scrub particles. Magnesium helps to naturally remove dead skin cells. 

  • Prep for acne facial with magnesium - applying a thin layer of magnesium , or warm saturated towels, for 30 seconds to 1 minute will enable easier extractions and healing there after. 

  • Seasonal facials with magnesium - Magnesium helps to keep the skin moisturized and thus it is wonderful for the winter time when cold dry air is especially triggering to dry skin. In the spring as our bodies naturally go through a detox process, facials focusing on Detox can be added to your daily wellness . In the summer, after sun magnesium facials can be great to recover from over exposure to the sun. Magnesium is anti-inflammatory that can help to heal the skin faster as well as make it more resilient to future accidental sun over-exposure.

Facials for men with magnesium - men have special facial needs to ensure the beard area is kept healthy. Magnesium works to keep the pores clean minimizing the chance of clogged hair follicles leading to ingrown hairs and skin irritation. 

Problematic skin facials - Magnesium balancing and anti-inflammatory properties help the skin to re-balance and self-correct overtime. 

Anti-aging facials - of course the top concern is very well addressed with magnesium. Magnesium helps with collagen synthesis, something that we naturally make less of as we age. 

Rejuvenates the skin - DHEA is a term that has been getting tossed around in the beauty world with new treatments popping up such as "vampire facials", stem-cell facials. The idea is of using your own blood plasma to influence the skin to renew and to protect itself from aging pre-maturely. Actually, magnesium is the mineral that does exactly that, without resorting to complicated procedures. 

US National Library of Medicine:

NCBI : Air pollution on skin health

NCBI : Magnesium deficiency enhances collagen synthesis

Gentlemen, it’s time to start a skin-care routine !

Cleansing is important, morning and night. It removes toxins and oils, gets rid of bacteria from you touching your face, and any debris, sunscreens, or topical products you’ve applied.” Beyond hygiene, cleansing allows any products you apply afterward to be properly absorbed by the skin for maximum efficacy.

A solid skin-care routine is the cornerstone of good grooming. Well-cared-for skin means you’ll experience less frequent breakouts, you’ll show less irritation and redness, and you’ll stave off visible signs of aging. Start taking this stuff seriously, and it will make you more handsome almost immediately—and ensure you age more gracefully for the rest of your life. More important than all that, though, is the satisfaction that comes from a daily ritual of taking care of yourself. It just feels good.

But it can be hard to know where to start. The skin-care rabbit hole is deep: You start with a thing of Cetaphil from CVS, and next thing you know you’re ordering snail-secretion filtrate, airmail from Korea. But what you don’t need is yet another thing that makes you feel overwhelmed or down on yourself. So ALKA12™makes it simple for you. Not only you can use it as a sport nutritions but also for wellness and skin facials. There’s no single universal best skin-care routine, because everyone’s skin is different but ALKA12™ works for every skin type and skin concern.

Skin type refers to your skin's neutral disposition—what it’s naturally like if you’re not doing anything at all. “The most common skin types are dry, normal, and oily. Dry skin is found on someone with small pores and tight-feeling skin, who doesn’t get oily throughout the day. Normal skin doesn’t get oily, but generally doesn’t feel tight or uncomfortable. Oily is someone who gets large pores and can build up oil throughout the day, most commonly around the nose and forehead. (There are absolutely more types, but let’s keep it simple)

Skin concern is a little bit different: It’s what’s happening on your face that you’d specifically like to address. This refers to specific skin issues, like signs of aging, acne, hyperpigmentation, or redness and irritation. Products are often formulated to address a specific concern.