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MAGNESIUM FIGHTS INSOMNIA and helps for better sleep

Do you sleep well ?

It’s seem like an innocent question, but in today's modern society sleep well has become a luxury. Everyday’s stress and anxiety leads to Insomnia and it has become the post Covid-19 disease. I asked the question to my family members, friends and neighbors and 80% of them have insomnia. Fears to lost their jobs, fears to get sick, fears to lose someone…and th elist goes on.

Waking up at 6am may not be the most optimal wake up time for everyone, but most of us are constricted to a certain schedule we can't control. Over stimulation from our technology devices, sitting all day working “at home” attending virtual conference and the always "on" societal expectations coupled with not enough time spent exercising, or being in nature, is a recipe for sleep problems. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates about one third of American population is sleep deprived, declaring it a public health hazard. And Europe is not trailing far behind in this problem.


In order to fall asleep and stay asleep, your body and brain need to relax. On a chemical level, magnesium aids this process by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, the system responsible for getting you calm and relaxed.axed (1).

First, magnesium regulates neurotransmitters, which send signals throughout the nervous system and brain. It also regulates the hormone melatonin, which guides sleep-wake cycles in your body. (2). Second, this mineral binds to gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors. GABA is the neurotransmitter responsible for quieting down nerve activity. It is the same neurotransmitter used by sleep drugs like Ambien. (3-4).By helping to quiet the nervous system, magnesium may help prepare your body and mind for sleep.


Not having enough magnesium in your system can cause troubled sleep and even insomnia (5). Studies in mice have shown that optimal levels of this mineral are needed for normal sleep and that both high and low levels can cause sleep problems (6). Certain groups of people have a higher risk of magnesium deficiency, including (7).

  • People with digestive diseases: Issues with your digestive tract can cause your body to not absorb vitamins and minerals properly, resulting in deficiencies.

  • People with diabetes: Insulin resistance and diabetes are linked with excess magnesium loss.

  • People with alcohol dependence: Deficiency in this mineral is common among those who drink heavily.

  • Older adults: Many older adults have less magnesium in their diets than younger adults and may also be less efficient at absorbing it.

If you’re not getting enough magnesium, then you may experience sleep problems. What you need to know on Magnesiun deficiency


Not only can magnesium help you get to sleep, but it plays a part in helping you achieve deep and restful sleep as well. In one study, older adults were given 500 mg of magnesium or a placebo. Overall, the magnesium group had better quality of sleep. This group also exhibited higher levels of renin and melatonin, two hormones that help regulate sleep (8).

These results were bolstered by another study that gave elderly adults with insomnia a supplement containing 225 mg magnesium, 5 mg melatonin and 11.25 mg zinc. The participants of this second study also had better sleep compared to the placebo group, although it’s hard to attribute the effect to magnesium since the supplement additionally contained zinc and melatonin (9). Yet another study found that creating a magnesium deficiency in mice resulted in sleep patterns that were light and restless (10). This is partially due to this mineral’s influence on the nervous system. It blocks more excitable molecules from binding to neurons, resulting in a calmer nervous system.

Psychology Today : what you need to know about magnesium and your sleep - May, 2018

"Insomnia is a common symptom of magnesium deficiency. People with low magnesium often experience restless sleep, waking frequently during the night. Maintaining healthy magnesium levels often leads to deeper, more sound sleep. Magnesium plays a role in supporting deep, restorative sleep by maintaining healthy levels of GABA, a neurotransmitter that promotes sleep. Research indicates supplemental magnesium can improve sleep quality, especially in people with poor sleep. Magnesium can also help insomnia that’s linked to the disorder restless-leg syndrome."

ALKA12’ Magnesium lotion is effective and fast-active for sleep treatments

Of course massage in itself is already a great way to release stress, induce muscles to relax, and helping the body release serotonin to help normalize sleep. if you are looking for long night sleeps and keep on dreaming then try out the ALKA12’ Magnesium gel or the Magnesium Oil Calm & Recovery , blended with lavender essential oils.

Similarly magnesium supports body's natural production of melatonin, a hormone that is helping us fall and stay asleep as well as aiding in tissue repair and inflammation regulation. Most people are familiar with magnesium tablets, but by applying ALKA12 to the skin would help you to sleep to the night. Not only magnesium as a shooting effect on your sleep but the lavender would rest and ease sore muscles, to boost mood, help calm anxiety and boost relaxation - soothes nerves and induces sleep. Lavender essential oil as healing, antiseptic or antispasmodic properties. Reduces high blood pressure, palpitations, abdominal spasms and muscle pain, or even to relieve painful periods. The use of aromatic plant extracts for massage, for mental, emotional and spiritual imbalances has proven benefits through both practical and scientific evidence. The scents and the therapeutic capacities of each essential oil are unique to each plant and can have many physiological and psychological benefits. Our product line have the ability to calm and release stress, to uplift depression, to stimulate and awaken the body and mind while relieving sore muscles.

For an extra boost of relaxation and deeper sleep , you may apply the ALKA12 ‘ Serenité Pure Oil Massage. Aromatherapy does not literally take away stress or depression, but rather it balances the disturbances within your body and mind, and fortifies your weaknesses, allowing your body to heal itself.

US National Library of Medicine :

How well does Europe sleep? | Does work stress predict insomnia? | Hyperarousal and sleep reactivity in insomnia 

Center of Disease Control & Prevention :

Sleep and Sleep Disorders, 1 in 3 adults don't get enough sleep | Hyperarousal and sleep reactivity in insomnia