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Meet the new ALKA12™ Bio Aromatherapy series. Serenité, Respire & Silhouette , offer a unique combination of organic essential oils blended with organic vegetal oils, to enhance optimal wellness and athletic performance. All ingredients are pure, natural and from organic farming. Like magnesium, essential oils are more than an ingredient, they are an incredible gift from nature. Essential oils have powerful benefits on both skin and mind, including anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant & anti-stress therapeutic properties. 

Whether you are an amateur, an advanced sport enthusiast an Athlete, we all know that athletic efforts puts the body into stress: soreness, muscular aches, tendinitis, exhaustion. In order to keep this physical activity pleasurable, essential oils can also help prepare the body as well as its recovery.

During the effort, oxygen, carbohydrate and lipid levels are mobilized and metabolic “wastes” can accumulate in the muscle… Among those “wastes”, the lactic acid is responsible for cramps and muscle aches. Whether it be before the athletic effort in order to better prepare the body or after, in order to favor muscle drainage and to eliminate those toxins with good rehydration and rest, some essential oils bring all their benefits through a simple massage applied on the concerned muscle zones.

Discover the benefits of Serenité, Respire and Silhouette :


Designed to release stress and muscle tension of the day. Serenité offers an optimum strenghtening for your well-being, harmonizing on the emotional level and promoting peaceful sleep.

PETITGRAIN /// Essential oils benefits

Commonly known as the bitter orange plant, The French ‘Petitgrain’ translates into ‘little grains’, due to the fact that Petitgrain Oil is extracted from the unripe oranges.

Soothe : With powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial benefits, Petitgrain is a wonderful natural remedy to calm problematic skin. Whether it’s rosacea, acne-or induced irritation, this aromatic essential oil helps to soothe and heal your complexion.

Tone : Petitgrain Oil has stimulating and toning properties to help pores appear smaller and the epidermis more even and smooth.

Balance : Petitgrain Oil comprises a harmonised combination of balancing and cleansing properties. Not only does it help to level out the hormones that can exacerbate acne-prone skin, it also keeps the epidermis’ sebum supplies in check so that the complexion is optimally nourished.

LAVANDIN /// Essential oils benefits

Aids respiratory system: Lavandin Oil contains high levels of camphor which make it a powerful expectorant. To this end, Lavandin Oil is a natural treatment for the respiratory system to help clear congestion and excess phlegm.

Fights depression : More potent than Lavender, Lavandin Essential Oil’s intoxicating aroma can effectively boost self-esteem, confidence, hope and mental strength, working together to combat symptoms of depression.

Reduces pain : Lavandin Oil is an analgesic, meaning that it’s able to reduce pain and inflammation. Whether it’s pain in the muscles or joints, toothache, headache, coughs, colds or fevers, Lavandin provides natural pain relief for your ailments.

Cures nervous disorders : Lavandin Oil acts as a tonic for the nerves and the nervous system, strengthening and activating it. Its power as a nervine agent helps to improve signs of shaking hands and limbs, nervousness and even vertigo.

Prevents infection: Thanks to its antiseptic and healing powers, Lavandin Oil can protect wounds from becoming septic. Its active compounds have also been shown to speed up the healing process to repair and strengthen against further infection.

Lift: Lavandin Oil has remarkable cell stimulation properties. When used topically, Lavandin Oil works directly with the epidermis to trigger cellular regeneration. The result is a re-energised, healthier, uplifted appearance.

Heal: Thanks to its properties as a cicatrisant, Lavandin Oil is the ultimate ingredient to repair your complexion. Whether it’s blemishes, acne scars, pigmentation or even cellulite, Lavandin can help to even out your skin tone and reignite your radiance.

Purify : With antibacterial elements, Lavandin can be used to effectively purify your complexion. Working deep within your pores, Lavandin can rid your epidermis of harmful impurities that can cause breakouts, leaving skin healthier than ever.

SWEET ORANGE /// Essential oils benefits

Calm anxiety : This natural oil helps to calm the heart rate and reduce levels of cortisol secretion to help keep stress and anxiety to a minimum.

Digestion booster : Thanks to its properties as an anti-inflammatory, relaxant and circulation booster, Sweet Orange Oil can promote better digestion, easing cramps and other stomach pains.

Treat insomnia : Sweet Orange Oil can have a deeply calming effect on the mind and body and is effective in treating sleep issues that are related to stress or depression.

Anti-inflammatory: Sweet Orange oil possesses powerful anti-inflammatory properties. In fact, it has been shown to be one of the most effective Essential Oils with regards to its ability to fight pain, infection and chronic inflammation.

Anti-bacterial: Not only does Sweet Orange Essential Oil help to prevent infection, it also repairs the affected area.

Protect : With its remarkable ability to inhibit melanin production, Sweet Orange Oil slows the rate of skin damage experienced from UV light exposure, pollution and toxicity.

Strengthen : Packed full of antioxidants and vitamin C in particular, Sweet Orange Oil can be used topically to protect the skin from harmful external factors, providing your epidermis with the optimal environment in which to thrive.

Rejuvenate : great natural remedy to fight signs of aging. With its potent antioxidant power, it defends the skin from free radicals whilst also prompting collagen production. The result? Smooth, plumped skin.







Designed to better breathe, run and sleep. An optimal strengthening to cleart the respiratory tract and promote better oxygen absorption.

EUCALYPTUS /// Essential oils benefits

Improve respiratory system:  “Eucalyptus Globulus Oil is primarily beneficial for the respiratory system”. Of all the Essential Oils, Eucalyptus Essential Oil is believed to be the most effective in treating conditions such as bronchitis, asthma, sinusitis, colds, coughs or the flu. Rich in cineole, Eucalyptus Oil is highly effective in relieving congestion and aiding the respiratory system in the long term.

Anti-inflammatory:  Eucalyptus Oil works to reduce inflammation and provide natural pain relief.

Alleviate headaches : Eucalyptus Essential Oil can alleviate sinus pressure, which can often be responsible for the pain and tension that can cause headaches. Furthermore, Eucalyptus Oil also promotes relaxation of tense facial muscles which can also contribute to headaches caused by stress or exhaustion.

Boost mental clarity: Thanks to its invigorating, soothing and awakening properties, Eucalyptus Oil is often used to boost energy and mental clarity.

Heal: Eucalyptus Essential Oil’s anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic properties make this powerful element a natural healer. When used topically, Eucalyptus Oil provides the optimal environment and elements to repair and strengthen the complexion. “Eucalyptus Essential Oil is highly effective for treating and healing dermatitis”.

Purify: Rich in 1,8 cineole, this active ingredient present in Eucalyptus Essential Oil is known for its antibacterial properties. To this end, Eucalyptus Oil can cleanse the epidermis, ridding the pores of harmful impurities that can contribute to breakouts, pigmentation and dull skin. The result is a complexion that is deeply purified and healthier than ever.

Nourish : Eucalyptus Oil is known to moisturise the skin. Not only does it deliver an intense dose of hydration, but it also locks in moisture to help your complexion glow.

THYME /// Essential oils benefits

Combat respiratory problems: Whether it’s the common cold, a cough, flu or even bronchitis, Thyme Essential Oil works to drain congestion and kill infections in the chest to help you breathe more easily. “Thyme oil is particularly useful and effective when treating more sensitive children with respiratory problems”.

Stimulate circulation: Thyme Essential Oil contains stimulating compounds which improve blood circulation. With this, areas which are in need of healing are oxygenated and toxins are flushed out to help you look and feel better. For the ultimate detox, also look to Essential Oils such a lemon or lavender oil.

Promote heart health: With its properties as a stimulant and an antispasmodic, Thyme Essential Oil can regulate blood pressure. Furthermore, Thyme oil acts as a tonic, strengthening cardiac muscles and toning up the heart to keep valves functioning properly and blood flowing efficiently.

Ease stress and anxiety: Thyme Essential Oil has the ability to relax the body and open up your lungs, veins and mind to relieve stress and anxiety. Thyme oil can also help to regulate hormones to help you feel more relaxed and boost your mood, just likePepermint oil.

Antiseptic: “Every single study on Thyme Essential Oil agrees on its antiseptic properties”. Due to its antibacterial compounds such as caryophyllene and camphene, Thyme Essential Oil kills infection, both in the body and on the skin.

Purify: Thyme Essential Oil’s antibacterial properties are an exceptional element for cleansing skin (especially acne) to leave it more purified than ever.

Rejuvenate: By boosting circulation, Thyme Essential Oil helps to stimulate blood flow to leave your skin glowing and youthful. It will also help to flush out toxins and to heal blemishes and scars to leave skin radiant and even.

Soothe: Thyme Essential Oil is renowned for its soothing properties. For a complexion that suffers from rosacea, irritation, blemishes or inflammation, Thyme oil works to heal these conditions and help skin to look and feel healthy.

MINT ARVENSIS /// Essential oils benefits

Uplifting and cooling, Mint Arvensis essential oil is antiseptic, anti-bacterial and anti-microbial. Soothes aching muscles and joints. Useful for respiratory problems in the winter season.


Designed for a slimming cure, Silouhette is the essential ally to lose weight naturally, while promoting the clarity of the skin. An optimal strengthening for your health, well-being and beauty. 

CEDAR WOOD /// Essential oils benefits

Improve focus : Cedarwood Essential Oil has been shown to benefit cognitive function, particularly when it comes to improving focus and attention.

Anti-inflammatory : With potent anti-inflammatory compounds, Cedarwood Essential Oil has been shown to reduce inflammation in joints, tissues and muscles. It provides natural pain relief. 

Antispasmodic: Cedarwood Essential Oil has been shown to treat nearly all types of spasms and related conditions. Whether it is spasms in the respiratory system, intestines, muscles, heart or nerves, Cedarwood Oil’s powerful properties provide a great deal of relief. Also a great remedy for coughs, colds and congestion.

Relieves tension: Cedarwood is often used in aromatherapy thanks to its power to relieve tension and stress. Its active compounds include cedrol, which is a natural sedative, as well as having the ability to stimulate serotonin production.

Energise : Packed full of antioxidants, Cedarwood Oil is the ultimate ingredient to give dull, lacklustre skin the boost it needs. Repaired, strengthened and re-energised, your complexion will look rejuvenated. It works well to prevent premature ageing thanks to its concentrated source of antioxidants.

Balance : There are various factors that can affect the health of our skin, often knocking it off balance. CedarwoodEssential Oil works to counteract this and level out your epidermis’ sebum production to help reduce breakouts, blemishes and even pigmentation.

MUSCAT ROSE /// Vegetal oils Benefits

This precious Muscat Rose oil will delights tired skins and protects them from dehydration while regulating and softening it. A regenerating and healing oil with anti-aging properties : Repairing, healing and nourishing. Anti-aging and anti-wrinkle. Regenerating, lifting and revitalizing. Prevents, treats and fades scars, stretch marks and skin spots. Re-balancing, it regulates sebum secretions. Anti hair loss.

LEMON /// Essential oils benefits

Relieve nausea: Lemon Essential Oil is a natural remedy for nausea, and studies have found it to be extremely effective in calming the stomach. If morning sickness is the cause of your nausea, then Lemon oil can be a great solution.

Improve digestion: Since Lemon oil is calming in nature, it can be used to help soothe a variety of stomach problems including acidity, indigestion, cramps and gastritis. “Lemon Essential Oil also acts as a gastro-protective, helping to defend and repair the stomach lining”.

Purify the body : Thanks to its antimicrobial properties, Lemon Essential Oil has a purifying, cleansing and protective effect on the body. Lemon oil defends from free radicals as well as stimulating lymphatic drainage to flush toxins out of the system.

Boost immune system: Not only does Lemon oil rid your body of harmful pathogens, but it also works to improve the immune system. Thanks to its high vitamin C content, Lemon oil stimulates white blood cells and strengthens your body’s ability to fight disease.

Relieve stress: Lemon Essential Oil can have very soothing properties, acting as an effective remedy for mental fatigue, depression, anxiety and nervousness. “it’s often used simply to put you in a good mood”.

Energise: Rich in antioxidants, Lemon Essential Oil is the ultimate element to give your skin that re-energising boost. As a detoxifier, Lemon oil can restore lacklustre skin to leave it looking rejuvenated and youthful – an essential weapon in your anti-ageing arsenal.

Nourish : Little known, Lemon oil has strong hydrating properties and can help to nourish damaged skin and repair the epidermis to renew your complexion’s radiance.

Restore : With its antiseptic properties, Lemon Essential Oil works to restore the skin’s natural balance and reduce excess sebum. Furthermore, Lemon oil has beneficial effects on skin that suffers from acne as it helps to purify and cleanse the epidermis.




CYPRES /// Essential oils benefits

Drain : Primary benefit relates to the lymphatic system responsible for the removal of toxins from our bodies. Thanks to its ability to stimulate lymphatic drainage, Cypress Oil can help to flush out these toxins and leave your complexion perfectly detoxed and fresh.

Purify: Thanks to its antiseptic properties, Cypress Oil is great for a thorough cleanse, deeply penetrating pores.

Tone: As a powerful astringent, Cypress Oil can be used topically to provide a toning effect on the skin. Your complexion will be left tighter, more lifted and bouncy.

Heal wounds: Cypress Essential Oil contains camphene a strong antiseptic that speeds up the healing process of wounds and infection.

Antispasmodic: Extremely effective in treating spasms, cramps and pain associated with these afflictions. Whether it’s in the respiratory system, joints, muscles or intestines, CypressOil is a great natural remedy.

Regulate blood flow: Cypress Essential Oil has both haemostatic and styptic properties. This means that it can stop blood flow and promote clotting whilst also constricting blood vessels to stop excessive blood flow. Cypress Oil is great for quick healing but also improves circulation.

Aid the respiratory system : For an all-round treatment to improve respiratory processes, Cypress Oil is highly effective. As an expectorant, it clears up congestion and eliminates phlegm to help you breathe easier. Furthermore, this powerful oil can tone up the respiratory system and increase lung efficiency for long-term benefits.

Relieve stress : It can induce feelings of relaxation and provide a mild sedative effect. This can work to combat the effects of stress, anxiety and even depression, boosting mood and stimulating happiness.

MARITIME PINE /// Essential oils benefits

Uses in aromatherapy : Positively impacts the mood by clearing the mind of stresses, energizing the body to help eliminate fatigue, enhancing concentration, and promoting a positive outlook.

Used topically : Reputed to soothe itchiness, inflammation, and dryness, control excessive perspiration, prevent fungal infections, protect minor abrasions from developing infections, slow the appearance of signs of aging, and enhance circulation.

Used medicinally: Reputed to support immune function, clear the respiratory tract, address symptoms of colds, coughs, sinusitis, asthma, and the flu, and facilitate the healing of infections.

Used in massage: Known to soothe inflammation, soreness, aches, pain, and gout; to stimulate and enhance circulation; to facilitate the healing of scratches, cuts, wounds, and burns; to promote the regeneration of new skin; to reduce pain; to relieve muscle fatigue; to promote the body’s detoxification; to maintain the health and function of the urinary tract and the kidneys; and to regulate body weight.

APRICOT KERNEL /// Vegetal oils benefits

Moisturizes the Skin : When topically applied, the emollient properties of apricot kernel oil can help exfoliate and moisturize the skin, helping it retain moisture, eliminating patches of dry skin, and relieving inflammatory conditions, such as rosacea, psoriasis, and eczema.

Rejuvenate: Packed with antioxidants, apricot kernel oil can reduce oxidative stress in the skin, which is good news for people who are suffering from premature aging or have wrinkles.





NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE: Aromatherapy With Essential Oils

VERY WELL FIT: Essential Oils shown to enhance Athletic Performance | Essential Oils for Soothing Muscle Pain

JOHN HOPKINS MEDICINE : Does Essential Oils Really Work

MEDICAL NEWS: What You Need To Know About Aromatherapy

ORGANIC FACTS : Essential Oils and Benefits