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ALKA12™ Topical Magnesium lotion provides a fast, effective method of supplementing magnesium levels in our bodies compared to other methods. The pure strength formula has proven by science to be five times more effective than any oral supplements in delivering magnesium to the body, as it gets delivered directly into the skin tissue. This new form of sports nutrition is much more effective as it doesn’t have to go through the digestive system, which dilutes magnesium through stomach acid or digestive enzymes and thus drastically reduces effectiveness.

ALKA12™ magnesium lotions have the purest and highest concentration of magnesium chloride reached by science and therefore would be instantly absorbed by the skin and fully assimilated by the body and cells. According to scientific research, Topical Magnesium Chloride is best absorbed by the skin and it will end up in your cells right away. Scientifically, magnesium chloride is most superior form of magnesium and the only magnesium totally ionized. It means it has an electric charge to it. Plus, it is the form of magnesium that the human body use. Topical Magnesium application is the optimum way to replenish cellular levels since every cell in our bodies bathes in it, says : Dr. Richard Danel, President of the Magnesium Health Institute


The skin is the largest organ of the body and has three primary functions:

  • Temperature control

  • Detoxification

  • Barrier function

Human skin resembles that of a thick layer of tissue. At first glance, it seems to be impenetrable, but in reality, it is covered with tiny pores, which are small openings to the deeper layers below. These pores allow the skin to absorb active substances such as magnesium.

Drugs and transdermal agents have many health benefits, including soothing and pain relieving effects. There are a wide range of applications for these active substances, ranging from pediatrics to sports medicine. Our body's magnesium requirements are said to be much greater than the amount directly absorbable from oral supplements.

By external application, our skin would play the role of absorber and regulator, by assimilating the quantity exactly required by our body. By a simple external use on the skin, the positive effects of magnesium have been proven: body relaxation, hydration of the skin, softening of joints and muscles, stimulation of capillaries.

And consumers have reported other positive effects, varying according to their degree of tolerance and sensitivity: scarring of the gums and dental hygiene in mouthwashes. Soothing of sore throats in gargling, healing of wounds and certain cases of acne, blood stimulation in friction on cold limbs.

Soothing headache in massage on the temples, muscle preparation and recovery in use before and after a sports session. Reduction of pain, cramps, inflammations and tendonitis. Deodorant and refreshment of protected parts. And above all, no side effects to deplore.




In fact, many substances do pass into the body from the outer surface of the skin and into the circulation. It is this nature of the skin, with its millions of tiny openings, that allows not only sweat and other toxins to escape, but also enables the absorption of some substances.

The process is known as dermal absorption. Once a substance passes through the outer layers of skin, it passes into the lymph and local vascular (blood vessel) system and soon after into the bloodstream. 1

While the exact mechanisms of skin transfer are yet to be completely understood, three routes of penetration have been hypothesized:

  • Intercellular Skin Absorption, which occurs between the cells of the outermost layer of the skin

  • Transcellular Skin Absorption, where substances actually pass through the skin cells themselves

  • Skin Absorption Through the Follicles and Glands, which may also exhibit ”reservoir effects” in which substances may be stored within the glands for absorption over time

While transdermal drugs are well known in the medical community, the difference with magnesium topical treatments is, of course, the fact that magnesium is an essential mineral to the human body, in a natural form. Thus, use of ALKA12 Ultra Pure magnesium product brings all the advantages of transdermal applications.

Transdermal magnesium is a needed substance. While the chemicals in transdermal pharmaceuticals are actively filtered, inactivated, and excreted by the body’s detoxification systems, magnesium is welcomed and actively taken in by the cells.


Magnesium is a metallic ion, and there is evidence that metallic ions can penetrate the stratum corneum of the skin. There are very few studies that have measured blood serum, urine, or intracellular concentration of magnesium following transdermal magnesium application; however, here is a synopsis of the current scientific findings:

  • Using an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM), Piccini measured intracellular magnesium absorption within exfoliating epithelial cells from the mouth mucosa. For 4 months, study participants applied, twice daily, a concentrated magnesium chloride lotion to their skin. Compared to baseline measures, intracellular magnesium was shown to increase by 100% by months two and four, while serum blood levels of magnesium remained constant.

  • In a study by Waring from the University of Birmingham, 19 subjects soaked in a 50-55˚C bath of dissolved magnesium sulphate (Epson salts), once daily for 12 minutes, for 7 consecutive days. Results indicated that blood plasma levels of magnesium increased from 68 ± 20.76 ppm/ml to 140.98 ± 17.00ppm/ml. Urine concentration of magnesium also increased from 94.81 ± 44.26 ppm/ml to 198.93 ± 97.52 ppm/ml.

  • In a study by Watkins and Josling , over the course of 12 weeks, 9 subjects applied 20 sprays of magnesium chloride (magnesium oil) to their body, plus a twice weekly, 20-minute foot soak using 100 mL of magnesium chloride solution. Using hair analysis to measure magnesium concentration in the body, results indicated that subject magnesium levels increased by 59.7% and calcium-magnesium ratio improved by 25.2%.

  • In a study by Kass subjects participated in a single-blind pilot study to measure blood serum and urine magnesium concentration following the application of 56 mg of magnesium suspended in a cream vehicle, once a day for 2 weeks. Subjects were randomized into two groups: magnesium cream group and placebo group. The overall results showed a trend toward an increase in serum magnesium concentration following 2 weeks of transdermal magnesium. However, if the athletic subjects in the study were excluded from the analysis, there was a significant increase in serum magnesium observed in the non-athletic subject pool. Exercise can affect magnesium status; therefore, it is possible that the athletic subjects skewed the data.

  • A study by Chandrarasekaran measured transdermal magnesium absorption through excised human abdominal skin and through hair follicles of the skin. Investigators applied 5 mM, 52 mM, and 1.9 M of magnesium chloride solution to the excised skin for 5, 15, 30 and 60 minutes at 23-25˚C. To assess whether hair follicles facilitated transdermal magnesium absorption, investigators plugged the hair follicles of a section of excised skin and applied 1.9 M of magnesium chloride solution for 15 minutes. The skin samples were then stained with Mag-fura-2, tetrapotassium salt to visualize the magnesium in the skin using multiphoton microscopy. Results showed that topical magnesium can penetrate the stratum corneum, and permeability depends on magnesium concentration and time of exposure. Also, hair follicles play a key role in transdermal magnesium absorption.


ALKA12™ heals, repairs and purifies the skin, so during the first week of treatment, the magnesium lotions may cause a tingling to the skin and bodies may feel warmer. ALKA12™ lotions are made of an ultra pure magnesium chloride blended with electrolytes and it is the highest magnesium formula concentration reached by science. It is a pure concentrate of magnesium salt and therfore it may also create minor rashes on very dry or broken skins. This is normal and those should go away with regular use.

The main reasons are due to:

  • The movement of large magnesium molecules as they're rapidly absorbed across the epidermis which makes the body warmer.

  • The application of the magnesium on very dry or broken skin

  • Having lower blood pressure

  • Low levels of cellular magnesium

  • High level of magnesiun deficiency

During the topical magnesium therapy, we encourage users to drink a lot of water to maximize an optimale purification of the body.

Caution: Do not drink. All ALKA12™ products are designed for topical cosmetic and medical use only. Avoid any contact with your eyes, sunburns, and open wound injuries. Do not apply before sun exposure. Not recommended for children below 10 years old as their skin may be too sensitive. Otherwise dilute with water.