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Most of us change where we live at least once, and sometimes many more. The one place where we will always reside, though, is in ourselves. So doesn’t it make sense that it’s a vessel worthy of your investment?  And the best part is that unlike the traditional interpretation of “investment,” investing in yourself – so that you feel and look your best – doesn’t require a huge financial outlay; it simply means reprioritizing your efforts.

At ALKA12™ , we have seen firsthand the positive results when people finally understand the value of investing in their health. Contact us if you would like to experience it for yourself by making it a part of your (self) investment strategy.

Worthy investment deposits

American actor Hill Harper once said, “I think the number one safe haven where people put their money is to invest in yourself first.” This does not, however, require more resources; it simply requires you to redirect your existing ones – both money and time.

For example, look at easy substitutions you can make for some of your current food choices. You can keep eating your favorite foods with just a few simple but healthier switches, like eating corn tortillas instead of flour and enjoying a whole-wheat English muffin instead of a bagel. Instead of your favorite sweet jelly on your toast, try smashed avocado. You don’t need to change everything at once; rather, try making one substitution per meal or even per day, and then every few days add another change.

Now, combine one new physical activity with your eating modifications to really reap some dividends. It can be as elementary as parking farther away from your office or grocery store entrance so that your daily steps increase, or heeding the long-standing advice of taking stairs versus the elevator. If you harbor some unease about a group setting at a fitness center, then consider investing in some home equipment, or at a minimum, motivate yourself with some comfortable athletic shoes and attire. And don’t succumb to the “there aren’t enough hours in the day” argument. Get up 15 minutes earlier for a 10-minute walk or jump rope session, or cut out 15-30 minutes of television time in the evening and wind down with a brisk walk or jog outdoors instead.

Be mindful

Your nutrition and physical fitness represent only a portion of the self-investment equation. You are a sum of your parts; how you feel physically impacts you mentally, and vice versa. Paying attention to your mindfulness and mental acuity is just as important as what you put on your dinner plate. One of the easiest exercises to help you achieve mindfulness is to pay attention to your breathing – and work on it. It’s a no-cost but effective measure that you can do anywhere, at any time.

Start to identify and be comfortable with your emotions through journaling, which can also help you reduce stress and help you adjust your daily priorities and establish, or re-establish, life goals. Have you always wanted to learn a new language? Write it down and create a plan to make it happen. Kicked yourself for not going back for your master’s degree as you planned years ago? Well, what’s stopping you now? You can get an MBA online now without having to disrupt your current career while increasing the depth of your business knowledge and developing your leadership skills – which can also further your self-awareness goals. 

In fact, setting goals designed to help you keep learning is one of the most frequent expert-recommended tips for long-term health and mental sharpness. Whether it’s conquering the weekend crossword puzzle or sharpening your short-term memory with Sudoku, you can find several convenient options with smartphone apps, or add a social connection by taking classes in your community.

Keep it in the bank

Think of your body – including your mind – as a bank that needs regular deposits to increase its value. By doing so, it’ll be better able to weather unexpected influences, like illnesses, because of your continued healthy investments.

Understanding and appreciating health is ALKA12™ priority. We’ve helped others just like you become better versions of themselves, and we’re confident you’ll see us as another wise investment right where you live: within yourself.

Credit : Kimberly Thomas @ US HEALTH CORP